środa, 14 listopada 2018

PAKT with the Third Reich - an alternative, or the worst dream of Poles?

So why the alliance with Hitler could lead to the destruction of the Polish nation, and also why Beck could not have it.

Debate on the so-called The "German option", which allegedly could have been chosen by the decision makers of the Second Republic, has been going on for several years and is mainly focused on the level of alternative historical considerations mainly based on the knowledge of what the actual decisions have caused. I think that evaluating our ancestors according to this concept is simply unfair to them. In addition, for me, these are intellectual astray, leading to no useful conclusions (especially when people read attractive, alternative creations, without knowing the basic facts and real historical circumstances).
more >>> https://www.krzysztofwojczal.pl/historia/pakt-z-iii-rzesza-alternatywa-czy-najgorszy-sen-polakow/

wtorek, 13 listopada 2018

Against insolence of fascist lies - March of Independence 2018

Bürokratie + Atheismus = Faschismus => Holocaust
Bürokratie + Atheismus + Pangermanismus = Nazismus => Kannibalismus = Holocaust

Przeciw bezczelności faszystowskich kłamstwom - Marsz Niepodległości 2018
Gegen die Unverschämtheit der faschistischen Lügen - März der Unabhängigkeit 2018


środa, 7 listopada 2018

Lwów Eaglets

Lwów Eaglets (Polish: Orlęta lwowskie) is a term of affection applied to the Polish teenagers who defended the city of Lwów (Ukrainian: L'viv), during the Polish-Ukrainian War (1918–1919). #Eaglets #Lwów #Lviv #Lvovhttps://www.facebook.com/propatriapoland/videos/293704631238851/

The fascists will not be able to pacify the Independence March !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fascists ruling Warsaw are trying to provoke the bloodshed during the March of Independence. The Independence March takes place in Warszawa every year to commemorate the anniversary of regaining independence. In 2018, there is the hundredth anniversary of Poland's regaining of independence.

Faszyści nie dadzą rady spacyfikować Marszu Niepodległości!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rządzący Warszawą faszyści usiłują sprowokować rozlew krwi podczas Marszu Niepodległości. Marsz Niepodległości odbywa się w Warszawie co roku dla uczczenia rocznicy odzyskania niepodległości. W roku 2018 przypada setna rocznica odzyskania niepodległosci przez Polskę.

Bolshevik hell

One hundred years ago, the Bolshevik revolution broke out. The communists began to implement their utopian ideas. They promised paradise on earth and created hell. The regime, which was to bring happiness to humanity, left behind more than one hundred million deaths. For entire nations it meant terror, misery, degradation and the consequences of social destruction that continue to this day. The criminal system has never been found in his Nuremberg. Poles were the most affected nation.